Personal development

The Art of Consciously Understanding Your Self-Worth: 1

The Art of Consciously Understanding Your Self-Worth: 1


Hope you’re doing well and keeping safe.

I’ve been in a non-active mode for a while. However, irrespective of what you feel, the world continues to exist and so do the experiences that we get en route. So was the case with me. I have had some intriguing experiences recently and these current experiences took me back into the past, where I had been through similar kinds of experiences. It had brought a sort of deep and blank silence and anxiety to me back then and the same happened to me now, too.

Let’s come to the point without much do.

I am going to talk about a specific kind of people who are really good at enacting ‘victim’ after playing their cunning, shrewd, and manipulative schemes on you and hurt you deeply because you stop letting them manipulate you, use you and let them control your life.

Let me elaborate. You are a smart, intelligent, and sincerely hardworking yet humble person at the professional as well as personal fronts. You believe in the healthy competition being a team player. You believe in the goodness of heart when it comes to handling people around you. Thus, you always give them the benefit of doubt, whenever they misbehave or cross their limit of decency. But, let me tell you, after a careful observation at the later stage when I was coming out of the anxiety, I have realized that these kinds of people are everywhere. They take maximum advantage of your intelligence, knowledge, and skills, try to copy you, use and extremely manipulate you at the personal and professional levels, and consider you a fool. Interestingly enough, the moment you show them their limits in a black and white manner, they play the victim. They create a scenario around in a manner where others may believe that you have done something really bad and wrong to them. You have deeply offended and ill-treated them. All the while, they still have been keeping their goodness.

I have developed a deep disgust around such people. Such are the people who make you question yourself, your individual characteristics, your very nature, your kindness, honesty, and humbleness and put you in a situation where you begin to justify to your own self that you have not done anything wrong. You have just humble (still humbly yet upfront) made it clear that they can’t interfere and dominate your life, whether personal or professional.

It is also to be considered that you never unnecessarily interfere in anyone’s life. You never judge them. You mind your business and never poke your nose in anyone’s personal or professional life. Because you understand that human beings are capable of thinking and taking their decisions independently. Common sense says, everyone is capable of leading their life, in their own individual manner and style. No one, unless requested, requires pointless, extra, unsolicited life advice. Yet, you entertain their nonsense assistances for so long (to ensure they shouldn’t feel bad, if told that I am more than capable enough to handle my life, my way, without your rubbish recommendations and counsel) that a ‘NO’ coming from you leave them uneasy.

It hurts their ego to know that how can someone be smarter, intelligent, knowledgeable yet humble? Why are they no more needed to dominate your life? How can you clarify and set healthy boundaries for yourself? How can you begin to realize, understand and acknowledge your self-worth because it is costing you mental disturbance? How dare you not entertain their bullshit and arrogance? How come their enforced and illogical, half-knowledgeable info is unwelcomed now? That too from a person who has always been gentle, considerate, and modest with them? The person who has never hurt their ego because you understand self-esteem is dear to all.

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